Emmert-Tipton History
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Matches 151 to 200 of 279

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
151 S109 Kentucky Marriages, 1802-1850
Dodd, Jordan 
152 S21 last name spelled RISEN on birth records in Estill Co, KY (Irvine).
153 S22 Laura Rittgers Peitzman Emmert - typed on a sheet of paper and copiedand handed out to the Emmert Family reunion on July 14-16, 1995 atSpringbrook Sta
154 S23 Laura Rittgers Peitzman Emmert, typed on a sheet of paper, copied, andhanded out at the Emmert family reunion on July 14-16, 1995. This washeld at Sp
155 S40 Laura Rittgers Peitzman Emmert. Typed on a sheet of paper,copied and handed out at the Emmert family reunion on July 14-16,1995. This was h
156 S417 Legacy.com.
157 S457 Legends of Kansas.
Legends of America 
158 S378 Letter. 1998 to Charles Stevens Jr. Privately held by Stevens, [STREET ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Garden City, Ks.
Kenneth Britton (11692 Sheehan; West Fork, Arkansas) 
159 S115 Library of Congress Photo Collection, 1840-2000
160 46043978 Mary Blevins in household of Robert Blevins, "United States Census, 1930"
161 61666576 Mary Etta Newsom, "Ohio Death Index, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007"
162 S91 Maryland Marriages, 1655-1850
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. 
163 S90 Maryland Marriages, 1667-1899
Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. 
164 S24 Michael Emmert = Person at the wedding
165 S25 Michael R. Emmert
166 S26 Michael R. Emmert - Brother
167 S27 Michael R. Emmert - Brother-in-law
168 S28 Michael R. Emmert - Father
169 S29 Michael R. Emmert - Son
170 S30 Michael R. Emmert - This person is a close relative and I have knownthem personally.
171 S31 Michael R. Emmert - Uncle
172 S32 Michael Robert Emmert
173 S33 Michael Robert Emmert - Son of Robert W. Emmert
174 S76 Millennium File
Heritage Consulting 
175 S473 Minster Post
Ohio. Minster. 
176 S432 Morris Sons Family Funeral Homes and Cremation Services.
177 S328 My Ancestral Life.
Hart, Judith 
178 S255 My Life and Times
Anna Mae Emmert Royer 
179 S308 Names of Foreigners Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania, 1727-1775. Google Books.
Secretary of the Commonwealth, editor 
180 S405 Nancy J. Emmert.
Emmert, Nancy 
181 S427 New Comer Dayton.
182 S97 New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
183 S34 News Paper Article
184 S35 Newspaper clipping
185 S36 Newspaper Clipping
186 S83 Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index
National Archives and Records Administration 
187 S82 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002
Ancestry.com and Ohio Department of Health 
188 S120 Our ancestors
189 S37 Pamela Wolf
190 S45 Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s
Gale Research 
191 S392 Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Baltimore 1820-1834, from CUstoms Passenger Lists
Michael H. Tepper, editor 
192 S64 Pennsylvania 1910 Miracode Index
193 S309 Pennsylvania Archives. Archive.org.
William H. Egle, editor 
194 S122 Pennsylvania Biographical Sketches, 1868 (Images online)
195 S86 Pennsylvania Church Records - Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties, 1729-1881
196 S430 Personal knowledge of Charles Blevins, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE]\.
197 S411 Personal knowledge of Charles Blevins, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE]\.
198 S270 Personal knowledge of Cheryl Nims, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE]\.
199 S464 Personal knowledge of Craig Taggart, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE]\.
200 S413 Personal knowledge of Cynthia Blevins, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE]\.

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