Emmert-Tipton History
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1 "...The early brethren who were holding services in their houses and barns. Daniel Reichard and David Long were active in the ministry and needed help to care for the scattered settlers. AN election was held and young John Emmert was called to the ministry. He was probably the third minister called to that sacred office by the early settlers around the Manor. It appears he was very devout and able young leader. He died rather young and the church sustained a great loss in his passing." Emmert, John (I1798)
2 "a certain tract of land bounded as followeth, vise. the Marsh to begine at the next cricke to Eastward of the sayd Libby's coman landing place, and from thence to his dwelling house, according as his fence goeth, & was formerly bounded by mee, [Jocelyn], from thence Westward & North Westward to a tree marked by me fomrerly & from thenceto goe over upon a viswall lyne upon the dwelling house of Mr. Hene: Wattsat Blen poynt, [across the mouth of nonesuch River,] So far as the flatts. Also the Marsh halfe of that Necke his dwelling house stands upon, according to the bounds formerly by mee layd out & further all the Marsh to Eastward of the Bridg [over Libby River] on that side of the cricke to the Upland so far as the Mayn Cricke called the pine Cricke & over against Godfry Shelldens house & soe far up the sayd Cricke until it comes close up to the uplan & also fivety acres of upland adjoining the sayd Marsh & to go into the land according to the marked trees formerly laid out unto him, one hundred a

"Yielding & paying unto the sayd Henery Jocelyn his heyres & Assignes for every fivety acers of Upland & Meddow annually three days worke forever, that is to say two days worke in harvest, or foode tyme & one day in cutting of wood, against the feast of Christ tyde, if it bee lawfully demanded."

Listed as one of the town's "principle planters" 
Libby, John (I2893)
3 "Ancestral File v4.19," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/MC13-9MJ : accessed 3 October 2011), entry for Catharina VOLTZ. Source (S399)
4 "Annie (my grandmother), married again but mother nor uncle Ira lived in that home. There was a child, Effie, born to them. We never knew Effie, I've always felt that this was an unhappy marriage and Annie only lived a short time, so that both of my mother's parents died when she was very young." Family: UNKNOWN / Book, Anna Jane (F1505)
5 "At length he became crazy and escaped from an Asylum to Paris France, where he lived until his death...His wife followed him to France, and after his death returned to Boston." Libby, Joseph (I4580)
6 "He was elected to the ministry before he was twenty-two years old and preached faithfully until his death."

"He was a minister of strong conviction against war and intemperance. He was bold and fearless in the pulpit against these evils. He preached relentlessly against human slavery. Many times before the Civil War hes life was threatened. He got many letters threatening to burn his buildings, kidnap his children, or hang him up to some oak tree on his farm, but this prophet of God was not daunted by threats when evil surrounded him.

When John Brown came to Maryland and Virginia and organized his anti-slavery groups, he visited Leonard Emmert - and other ministers of the Church of the Brethren - and laid out his plans to free the slaves from their masters. These pious people hated the system of slavery but to their everlasting credit they refused to believe "that violence and exercise of force were God's ways of correcting evil." These words just quoted were from the pious lips of that saint and servant of God, Leonard Emmert, in his answer to the plans of John Brown." 
Emmert, Rev. Leonard Webster (I4392)
7 "His Father lived at Dover N.H. and after the second Indian war his family removed from Scarborough to that place" Bickford, Thomas (I4528)
8 "His father, John Leonard Emmert, made a will and appointed hi sons, Benjamin, John, Leonard and Michael as his executors. John appeared with his brothers to probate the will and duly acknowledge the will as the one prepared by their father, but he filed for record on the same day. September 9, 1084, a seperate bill setting forth reasons why he could not act as one of the executors. Some of the John Leonard descendants, writing about the incident have stated that John Emmert was a Dunker preacher, and have left the impression that he was obstinate in spirit, but such was not teh case. He knew the intent of his good father and John Emmert in his deep spiritual conviction could not agree to settle the estate on any other basis than what he felt was his father's true will and intent, for the will was rather flexible and open to various interpretations.

The will was a rather remarkable instrument in many ways. It designated that each child was to have a Bible but did not set the value, and that was one of the points of disagreement. There were other matters on which the heirs could not agree. One claue in the will stated that Joseph, Leonard, and John were to have a row of apple trees for a space of seven years but the will did not say which row was to fo to each child. That provision gave room for showing a spirit of selfishness and John declined to be drawn into any controversy which would hinder his work as a minister." 
Emmert, John Leonard (I2092)
9 "How long Mary Libby outlived her husband is uncertain.\\; but she probably lived to be again driven from her home by the indians, as no attempt was made to settle her estate. 6 Apr. 1720, a warrant was issued to Captain John Libby, 1-1, to administer upon his grandfather's estate; the will being either forgotten or set aside. The inventory mentioned only the real estate at Black Point - 100 acres of upland, 9 acres of fresh meadow, and 100 acres of salt marsh." Mary (I4342)
10 "In July 1677, he stated that, "the food and pieous report that was spread abroad, into our Native Land of this county, caused your Petitioner to come for this Land 47 yeares agoe, where he hath ever since continued." According to this, the year of his immigration was 1630; but :47 yeares" was probably a slight exaggeration. The "good and pieous report" was soubtless set afloat by Trelawny in his efforts to obtain men to carry on his fisheries, and there can be little doubt that John Libby was sent over by him." Libby, John (I2893)
11 "Petitioned the Governor and council there assembled, that his sons Henry and Anthony, on whom he stated he was dependent for support, might be discharged from the Black Point garrison. The petition was granted the same day." (Philip's War) Libby, John (I2893)
12 "Petitioned [John - Father] the Governor and council there assembled, that his sons Henry and Anthony, on whom he stated he was dependent for support, might be discharged from the Black Point garrison. The petition was granted the same day." Libby, Anthony (I4443)
13 "Petitioned [John - Father] the Governor and council there assembled, that his sons Henry and Anthony, on whom he stated he was dependent for support, might be discharged from the Black Point garrison. The petition was granted the same day." (Philip's War) Libby, Henry (I4442)
14 "Recieved a power of attorney to let a tenement in Hoberton, which had fallen by inheritance to Philip." Hinkson, Peter (I4544)
15 "She was carried to Wisconsin by her mother and there left in a strange family. When she grew older she returned to New York in search of her Father's relatives, became acquainted on the route with a man and his wife who persuaded her to go home with them. Father and daughter each supposed the other dead, and it was left for this work to reunite them." Libby, Mary Jane (I4587)
16 "She was carried to Wisconsin by her mother and there left in a strange family. When she grew older she returned to New York in search of her Father's relatives, became acquainted on the route with a man and his wife who persuaded her to go home with them. Father and daughter each supposed the other dead, and it was left for this work to reunite them." Libby, Mary Jane (I4587)
17 "She was mis-treated in this home and we always knew that her early life was an unhappy one" Book, Anna Jane (I1846)
18 "That in point of morality he took a stand far above his class, ios very evident from a comparison between his accounts while on Richmond's Island and those of his fellow fisherman. Whereas most of them spent their entire wages for spirits and tobacco, he used no tobacco and very little intoxicating drink of any sort; while nearly all of what he did use was wine. He seems to have practiced that quiet, correct, peaceful mode of life which was always characterized his descendants." Libby, John (I2893)
19 "The burning of John Libby's house was recorded in the diary of Capt. Joshua Scottow, who had charge of the Boston Soldiers, as follows: "Sept. 7th, 1675. Being Lord's day....the enemy....before of their designs early in the morning burnt those houses and barnes our Capne saved the day before - they burnt also 8 or 9 deserted houses belonging to Libby and children." (Philip's War)

Libby, John (I2893)
20 "Tradition says that he came to Lynn in a sloop, and built a garrison at Prout's Neck, which the successfully defended from a force of five hundred French and Indians." (Philip's War) Libby, Henry (I4442)
21 "unto my Children five Shillings apeece, to every one of them & to my two younger sonns namely Matthew & Daniell, fivety Shillings out of Estate when they come to age"

"my wife shall have it all to her disposeing to mantayn the children."

5 May 1683 WIlliam Burrine and Andrew Brown made oath before Capt. Scottow to the truth of the following inventory:
Impr To 4 Cows at 12 00 00
Two Heffers at 04 00 00
4 steares at 12 00 00
5 yearelings at 08 00 00
1 calfe at tenn shillg 00 10 00
2 sheeps at 00 16 00
11 swine at 40 02 00 00
1 horse at 20 shillg 01 00 00
Household goods 08 00 00
House & lands 70 00 00
TOTALS £118 06 00 
Libby, John (I2893)
22 "When you get the Roll you will see what is probably the most interesting thing of all in the Bentall tree: In about 1290 Margery was left without brothers to inherit the Bentall estate, so the Bishop of Bath and Wells called Burnell, who later became the Lord Chancellor of England, and whose name is in the Bishop's Chapel in Wells to this day, has the slightly awkward problem of a bastard son whom he wants to place somewhere nice. Seeing Margery has a jolly attractive place and could do with a husband, young Burnell comes to tea and takes on the position of Master of the Bentall estate. The happy (we hope) couple then have heirs who are our ancestors, so Bentalls are not really Bentalls but Burnells. Because priests, Bishops and suchlike, weren't meant to have kids, it wasn't widely advertised so Burnell kept the name Bentall. I see Margery married someone else later on... Family: De Benthall, Lord John Burnell / De Benthall, Margery (F69)
23 "which had just been organized under the pastoral charge of the Rev. William Tompson." Libby, Henry (I4442)
24 "With John Boden, he was chosen to go and show the old highways to the selectmen." Libby, Henry (I4442)
25 (Medical):"On Saturday evening, August 12, 1876, a destructive store and downpour of rain swept over middle Maryland for hours. Late in the evening Leonard Emmert and his son David, rode out on the farm. Destruction was seen on every side. In the midst of the excitement a pain struck the father in the region of his heart. David helped him on his horse and rode beside him back to the house. Forty-five minutes later he called his family around his bed. They saw he wanted to seak and, finally, with a smile flooding his saintly face, he said in quiet tones, 'Oh, what a blessed thing it is to be prepared to die,' and he slept with his fathers." Emmert, Rev. Leonard Webster (I4392)
26 (Medical):Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease abt 2004 Bentall, Doris Jean (I1357)
27 (Medical):In Jail - Ruled a Suicide. He was arrested for public Intoxication. Volz, Forest Harold (I60)
28 (Medical):Injury due to a swimming accident where several vertebrea were dislocated. Paralysis extended to organs causing death. Volz, Edward (I4275)
29 (Medical):Probably due to Shock & Chronic Cong. Heart Failure
Due to Starr Valve Mitral Valve Replacment
Due to Rheumatic Mitral Tenusis 
Craft, Gladys Marie (I1769)
30 (Medical):See attached sources. Grieshop, Donald (I2617)
31 (Medical):See attached sources. Emmert, Robert Woodrow (I1475)
32 (Medical):she died in childbirth at Win's natal unit which she was running in a wing of Oakwood Court in 1946 Bentall, Mirabelle Eames (I2827)
33 (Medical):Some have said Heart Attack, but the death certificate indicates Cerebral Hemmorhage Bentall, Robert William (I674)
34 (Medical):William was found 7 days after hanging himself in a seculded wooded area. He used bailing twine and a tree limb. Blevins, William (I5709)
35 (Research):It is uncertain if Stewart and Alonzo are related, however in the 1910 Census they are listed as living nextdoor to one another. Stewart lived with his immediate family, and Alonzo with his, along with a border named William H. "Friend" (The last name is not given and is presumably the same as the family). It is unknown how or if William is related. Friend, Stewart Franklin (I5547)
36 (Research):Regiment: 8th Infantry Regiment Kentucky
Date of Organization: 15 Jan 1862
Muster Date: 17 Nov 1864
Regiment State: Kentucky
Regiment Type: Infantry
Regiment Number: 8th
Officers Killed or Mortally Wounded: 4
Officers Died of Disease or Accident: 1
Enlisted Killed or Mortally Wounded: 56
Enlisted Died of Disease or Accident: 144
Regimental Soldiers and History: List of Soldiers

Regimental History
Eighth Infantry

Eighth Infantry. -- Col., Sidney M. Barnes, Lieut.-Cols.,
Reuben May, James D. Mayhew; Majs., Green B. Broaddus, John S.

This regiment was organized in Estill County in the fall of
1861 under Col. Sidney M. Barnes, the men coming from Estill
and adjoining counties. It engaged in the defense of eastern
Kentucky some time before it was regularly mustered into the
U. S. service.

On Nov. 28, 186 Gen. Thomas, commanding in that section of the
state, ordered it to move from Irvine, the county seat of
Estill County, to Lebanon. It was mustered into service Jan.
15, 1862, by Capt. C. C. Gilbert of the regular army and was
at once attached to the 16th brigade.

In April and May, 1862, the regiment, with other troops, was
at Wartrace and Murfreesboro, Tenn., in Dumont's division, 23d
brigade, Col. Duffield. It moved with Buell to Kentucky and
on Oct. 19 was at Crab Orchard. On Dec. 9, with Matthews'
brigade, it was engaged with the enemy near La Vergne, Tenn.,
with severe loss, a number of the regiment being killed or
wounded. In the battle of Stone's River, or Murfreesboro, it
was under command of Lieut.-Col. May, and the brigade was
commanded by Col. S. W. Price of the 21st Ky. infantry.

In Sept., 1863, it participated in the movements preceding and
leading up to the great battle of Chickamauga, and most
gallantly bore itself through that engagement, the 21st army
corps being at that time under command of Gen. Thomas L.
Crittenden. The loss of the regiment in the battle of
Chickamauga was 79 in killed, wounded and prisoners, losing
its gallant leader, Col. Mayhew.

In that extraordinary assault, called "the battle above the
clouds," the regiment, under its gallant colonel, Sidney M.
Barnes, in Whitaker's brigade, led the way and planted its
colors first on the top of the mountain. During the spring of
1864 it participated in the earlier movements of the Atlanta
campaign, but was held at Chattanooga and vicinity doing guard

On Dec. 28, 1864, it was sent to Bridgeport, Ala., and in
Jan., 1865, its term of enlistment having expired it was
mustered out at Chattanooga, the veterans and recruits being
transferred to the 4th Ky. infantry.

Source: The Union Army, vol. 4, p. 322

Stone's River after battle report:

Report of Maj. Green B. Broaddus, Eighth Kentucky Infantry,
of engagement January 2.

SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by
the Eighth Regt. Kentucky Volunteers in the battle of January 2,
near Murfreesborough:

On January 1 we took position near the crest of a hill, the Fifty-first
Ohio being on our right and the Thirty-fifth Indiana on our left. Nothing
of special interest occurred until the morning of the 2d, when brisk
skirmishing began along the whole line, and continued until about 2
o'clock, when the enemy advanced with infantry and artillery. The battle
soon became general, and, the enemy pressing hard upon the Fifty-first
Ohio, forced them to retire, giving the enemy an opportunity to gain our
right flank and rear, which they lost no time in accomplishing. Both
men and officers of my regiment fought with becoming bravery,
coolness, and determination until flanked on the right and left; and,
seeing no chance to stay the onward course of the enemy, we retired to
the opposite side of the river just in time to save our capture.

Capt. John B. Banton, of Company F, was killed early in the action,
while gallantly commanding a line of skirmishers. We lost 7 killed on
the field, 7 officers wounded, 2 of whom have since died; 69 men
wounded, 12 of whom have since died, and 27 missing.

Very respectfully,

Maj., Cmdg. Eighth Regt. Kentucky Volunteers.

Cmdg. Third Brigade.

Source: Official Records

Chickamagua after battle report:

Report of Maj. John S. Clark, Eighth Kentucky Infantry.

Chattanooga, Tenn., September 26, 1863.
CAPT.: I have the honor to report that, on 4th instant my regiment, then
under command of Lieut. Col. James D. Mayhew, crossed the Tennessee
River at Shellmound, Tenn., and encamped a mile above the crossing.

On 5th, marched 7 miles; camped near Whiteside's.

On 6th, marched 3 miles, and camped on Running Water Creek, in Dade
County, Ga., where we remained until the morning of the 8th, when we
moved 3 miles, and on the 9th marched over Lookout Mountain, passing
Chattanooga [it having been evacuated by the rebels and occupied by our
troops on the morning of same day], and encamped on the Chattanooga and
Rome dirt road, at a distance of 6 miles from the former place.

On 10th, marched about 6 miles.

On 11th, the Fifty-first Ohio and Eighth Kentucky Regt.'s marched in
advance, each furnishing three companies as skirmishers. The skirmishers
of my regiment, which I commanded, advanced on the left, and those of the
Fifty-first Ohio, under command of Lieut.-Col. Wood, on the right of
the road. We drove the enemy, consisting of two regiments of rebel cavalry,
through and beyond Ringgold without very stubborn resistance, and with no
loss on our side in either killed, wounded, or missing, and with a loss to the
enemy of 1 killed and 3 or 4 wounded. My skirmishers behaved gallantly.

From 10th until 15th nothing important characterized our marches. We
remained in camp on Chickamauga Creek, 2 miles beyond Crawfish Spring,
from the 15th until the morning of the 18th, when our camp was shelled by
the enemy, whereupon, and in obedience to orders, we retired 200 yards to
the rear and occupied a commanding position in an open field. After
skirmishing with them until late in the evening, and being relieved by
Twenty-third Kentucky Regt., we marched to Lee and Gordon's Mills,
where we rejoined our division and camped for the night.

On the morning of 19th, the battle opened briskly on the left. My regiment
remained in position until 1 p. m., when it was ordered into the fight. After
engaging the enemy for five or ten minutes, I discovered that the Fifty-first
Ohio, which occupied a position on our right, was flanked by the enemy and
was retiring. After that regiment had retired 20 or 30 paces, I ordered the
Eighth Kentucky to fall back, which it did, and in as good order as possible.

We retired 400 or 500 yards to the rear, fighting as we retired to an elevated
position on the Ringgold and La Fayette road, where we formed on the left
of the Third Wisconsin Battery, and remained during the night.

The casualties during the day's battle were as follows*:

In the actions of both days, both officers and men of the Eighth Kentucky
behaved with great coolness and bravery. There are probably two or three
who did not conduct themselves as soldiers should, and these men I propose
to deal with the first opportunity. I would make special and favorable
mention of some of the officers and men of the regiment, but my report
should have been handed in before this, and I have not the time now.

Engaged on 19th: Officers, 23; enlisted men, 297.

Engaged on 20th: Officers, 18; enlisted men, 245.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Maj., Comdg.

Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., Third Brigade, Third Division.

Source: Official Records
[Series I. Vol. 30. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 50.]

Battles Fought
Fought on 9 Dec 1862 at Ferry, TN.
Fought on 31 Dec 1862 at Stones River, TN.
Fought on 2 Jan 1863 at Stones River, TN.
Fought on 3 Jan 1863 at Stones River, TN.
Fought on 19 Sep 1863 at Chickamauga, GA.
Fought on 20 Sep 1863 at Chickamauga, GA.
Fought on 20 Feb 1864.
Fought on 9 May 1864 at Rocky Face Ridge, GA. 
Abney, Singleton (I741)
37 10 children
UID CBA3714670D542BCBD8BEDFE54E64AA9C808
Wolf, Susannah (I2455)
38 133f8916-3634-4201-9daa-c91a8e291bdb-4


Austin and Mary Wagoner

The Wagoner Family of Iowa

Masemore, Mary Etta (I1683)
39 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Stevens, Lottie Lou (I4116)
40 1698 moved from Koppenschallbach to Seiderzell and purchased inn from Johann Georg Stieber for 1,000 florin. Emmert, Hans (I5271)
41 1849 Cholera deaths. Egypt, OH is just a few miles West of Minster, OH. (From Minster Historical Society timeline.)
Frank & Rosa Grieshop shared stories with their granddaughter Sharon Pohl in 1981 when she researched the family tree as her 4-H genealogy project. They remembered Frank's Grandmother Caroline Huesing Grieshop who was orphaned during the 1849 Cholera that killed all her family in the Minster/Egypt area when she was just 7 years old. Caroline was then adopted in by an Erps (Earp) family in the area and she later married Bernard Grieshop whose family had helped make coffins during the Cholera attack.
«b»Cholera Attacks the Village of Minster
«b»Image Caption:
«/b»A monument to the memory of all cholera victims was erected in 1937. The inscription of the memorial reads: IN PIOUS MEMORY OF ALL OUR CHOLERA VICTIMS, OVER 300, ESPECIALLY IN THE YEAR 1849.
«b»Details: «/b»
«b»Cholera of 1849«/b»
The year of 1849 will ever be remembered in the history of Minster. The cholera epidemic swept over the entire country, taking thousands of lives. In some cases whole families were carried away within a week.

The plague descended upon the people of Minster in the latter part of June. During the months of July and August the people died so rapidly that the bodies were collected twice each day and buried in four tiers in two trenches each seven feet wide on the west portion of the cemetery. No funeral arrangements, no religious service, no weeping relatives to follow, just wrapped in a plain shroud, placed in a crude wooden box and taken by some surviving friend to the last resting place.

The neighbors would then burn all personal effects in hopes of halting the disease. Any surviving children were taken in by the nearest friend or relative and raised as their own. Thru this, original family names of many were changed, which accounts for the disconnected history of some of our citizens. The cholera took over 250 lives in a short time from Minster.

«i»ntblAmsterdam & the Cholera Epidemic The cholera epidemic of 1849 resulted in a high number of deaths. In an account by Charles Boesel (1814-1885), he stated that from a population of about 700 people, there were 150 who died of the disease. Church records of St. Paul and St. Peter's Churches indicate that 122* people died from St. Paul Church and between July 27th and August 18th, 50 from St. Peter's. These were the only two churches in town at that time. A few of these deaths were attributed to scarlet fever, typhoid, or malaria, however the majority of the deaths were caused by cholera. These victims were buried in a mass grave in the village cemetery on Herman Street across from St. Paul Church. [from "The Towpath" - April 1996, April 2006]«/i» «i»[*NOTE: Research shows that «u»109«/u» cholera deaths were recorded in the «u»St. Paul records «/u» from 7/11/1849-9/9/1849.]«/i»
«b»rdrw15rdrsrdrw15rdrs rdrw15rdrs «i»ntblAMSTERDAM - A CHOLERA GHOST TOWN«/b» «b»from "The Evening Leader"«/i» - 10/16/1999«/b» «b»«i»by Katy (Berning) Gilbert«/b»«/i» "The Asiatic cholera epidemic spread across the country and arrived in Auglaize County in June of 1849. Many children were orphaned with no one to care for them. It was reported in Minster that the deaths were so rapid that bodies, in crude coffins, were gathered twice each day and taken to the cemetery for burial without benefit of mourning or religious ceremonies. A simple sign, such as a piece of white cloth hung on the front door, indicated the presence of another victim or victims. The deceased were buried four tiers deep in two trenches, each seven feet wide. The collected coffins were buried twice a week by Joseph Bussing, a man who lived three miles west of Minster, with the aid of a Mr. Rumping and two other helpers. Theodore Dickman, who was a lad at that time, recalled counting 27 lamp-black coffins
«b»rdrw15rdrsrdrw15rdrsrdrw15rdrs rdrw15rdrsrdrw15rdrs «i»ntblCholera Plague In New Bremen«/b» «b»As remembered through hearsay«/b» «b»By Mrs. Finke «/i»------«/b» She Was Rescued As A Babe In Her«b» «/b»Dead Mother's Arms «b»«i»[from the N.B. Sun - April 6, 1939]«/b»«/i» «b»------«/b» Referring to a picture in a recent issue of the «i»SUN«/i» of the monument on the St. Augustine Cemetery at Minster erected in memory of the victims of this Section who died during the cholera epidemic over three-quarters of a century ago, Mrs. Charles Garmhausen of Warren, Ohio, writes the «i»SUN«/i» to call attention to the fact that her mother, Mrs. Louise Finke, who several weeks ago celebrated her 90th birthday, is perhaps the only resident of New Bremen today who has recollection of incidents harking back to the dreadful times following the ravages of the much feared malady of those early pioneer days. Of the actual suffering and sorrow, Mrs. Finke cannot remember anything

«b»rdrw15rdrs «i»ntblAMSTERDAM REMEMBERED «/i»by St. Marys Native, David Armstrong (1833- )«/b» «b»«i»[New Bremen Sun - 9/6/1928]«/b»«/i» «b»The following historical sketch was written for the "Lima Star" by Daniel F. Mooney of St. Marys,«/b» «b» former Ambassador and Minister Plenipotentiary to Paraguay, South America.«/b»
«b»rdrw15rdrs «i»ntblAmsterdam Remembered«/b» "Onerous is the task of a person who attempts to write of a one-time participant in the affairs of a locality of which no physical evidence whatever remains. In such a case, resort must be had to vanishing tradition and folk lore, both of which are always wanting in accuracy. I had to so advise myself as to Amsterdam, once a promising village in what is now Auglaize County. Historical Highway The most historical highway in northwestern Ohio and northeastern Indiana is the Fort Wayne and Piqua Road (now designated as Route 66), established before the eviction of the Indians from its locality, when both Fort Wayne and Piqua were fortified and garrisoned Indian trading points. Among those who traveled that road when a primitive blazed trail are General ("Mad") Anthony Wayne, Simon Kenton, the Girty brothers, Johnny Appleseed, Gen. William Henry Harrison (later president of the United States, who was for a season stationed at St. Marys) and numerous o 
Huesing, Caroline (I15)
42 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Emmert, Nathanial Mark / Miles, Jennifer Elizabeth (F1545)
43 2 other daughters
UID 88547D8A35F4400FAE917CAB945B1511D685
Bentall, Edward C. (I3148)
44 2 other daughters
UID B8A928C9578541DEA4C16A20E7C9B209A7D6
Miller, Louise (I3147)
45 20 Total Children

William Searle Benthall put the "h" back into the name for his family and their descendants. (He did this rather extravagantly by Royal Licence rather than by simple Deed Poll). This is why his family are the only branch with the "h". 
Benthall, Willam Searle (I3646)
46 2417 W Vermijo Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 is a single family home built in 1913 with 1 bed and bath with 691 sq ft. Stevens, Charles Benjamin (I3208)
47 291-24-5016 Friend, Lucille Elisabeth (I4196)
48 292-14-4209 Grieshop, Herman Albert (I4195)
49 3 other daughters
UID 7B7D47E18B0B46D99A40A104AE4C9D665152
Benthall, John (I3781)
50 3 other daughters
UID EA1BEA21F1A34282952EE0305D20E404A0DB
Foster, Joice (I3780)

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